Our 2011 mission team is traveling to Venezuela to continue our work with the Venezuela Now organization and the construction of The Church at Valley Dorado. This new Methodist facility will serve God and the community in many ways including the establishment of a Teenage Pregnancy Center. During the days, our team will be hard at work laying block for the new structure. In the evenings, we will enjoy local outreach with the children of the area. Join us in our journey spreading God's love and helping to enhance the lives of the people in this community!

Saturday, February 26, 2011


Good Morning Family and Friends! If you have been left worrying as to whether or not we are here: WE HAVE MADE IT TO VENEZUELA!
Our mission began on Friday afternoon at Due West UMC joining in prayer and saying our final farwells to family and friends. After a slow treck to the ATL Airport, we swiftly made it through baggage check and security without a problem. Unless you consider John Green's patdown and Scott's faulty passport a problem. The flight took off at 5:30 sharp and featured, what Dillion classified, a tearful motion picture...Secretariate. The flight arrived at 10:30 to a RAINY VZ, but the smiling faces of Samuel, Father Carlos, and Willie. Before 14 willing missionaries officially entered the country, a suitcase full of Barbies stopped us in our tracks at Customs. Without the persuasive bargining of John Green and Jessica, over 100 young Venezuelan girls would be left without the joys of Barbie and Ken.
We were welcomed with open arms by our friends made in past mission trips. The rainy weather and broken down Tahoe were jacketed by the joy on everyone's face to finally be here. We finally made it to the New Tribe's Mission House and went to bed...well most of us did! TO BE CONTINUED!!
Saturday morning will be jam packed with devotions and traveling to Barquisimeto. Tune back in to see how we conjuered up enough money to bail Kathy Reeves out of jail. Stay safe and we'll do our best to do the same. Thank you for your prayers and blessing as we continue to do God's work!


  1. hey guys it's Autumn Green. Good luck in Venezuela! I know you guys will serve the LORD well in everything you do. I will pray for you!!!!
    (P.S. Your blog is really cool!)

  2. Glad y'all---and the Barbies---made it through customs! Here's to some dry weather!

  3. Was just thinking about you Matt and your team. Hope you touch more hearts than ever before.

    God bless,
