Our 2011 mission team is traveling to Venezuela to continue our work with the Venezuela Now organization and the construction of The Church at Valley Dorado. This new Methodist facility will serve God and the community in many ways including the establishment of a Teenage Pregnancy Center. During the days, our team will be hard at work laying block for the new structure. In the evenings, we will enjoy local outreach with the children of the area. Join us in our journey spreading God's love and helping to enhance the lives of the people in this community!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Tuesday: How salty are you?

"I will not give you a gift that costs me nothing" (2nd Chronicles 21:24)

Estamos muy cansados! (We are very tired) What a day, What a day, What a day! Where do we begin? The beautiful day began early this morning with the delightful smell of Scott's breakfast: eggs, bacon, and grits. We traveled to the site of the church and began work right away. Before long, children from the community came by to see what was going on. The work of the Venezuelan people is incredible and they kicked us right into shape. We worked on filling in holes where the rebar foundations has been poured, made concrete, poured new foundations, and most importantly built relationships...oh, and it was extremely hot outside! The highlight of everyone's day was playing kicking ball with the children and just spending time with the Venezuelans. We left the chuch for a quick dinner and returned just in time for the children's bible study. They were so excited and involved in the songs and story of Jesus feeding the five thousand. As a special treat, Scott preformed magic tricks for the children, which they watched intently. Just as we were leaving, all the children were so excited to hear that we were coming back tomorrow. A few of us had a good amount of Spanish terms down, but we jokingly thought the two Kathy's speaking ability sounded like the teacher from Charlie Brown to the Venezuelans. (Whannn, Whan, Whannnnn, Whann...)

After the drive back to the seminary, we concluded the LONG day with a devotional by Dillon. He spoke on the costs of following Christ and concluded with the question: How salty are you?

All is so well down here, and we pray that you are doing well also. Continue to pray for us!

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